Following this guide you'll learn how to write a good thesis conclusion
Although each of your body paragraphs will have their own short summary reminding the reader of what was discussed in the previous paragraphs, it is still essential to write a final conclusion for the entire paper.
- Critique your findings
- Objectives
- Never re-write the entire thesis
- Conclude convincingly
- Logical
- Understanding
- Sum up
- Interesting
- Offer suggestions
- No new stuff
Rather than illustrating presumed perfection in achieving the task at hand, it’s recommended that you highlight the specific problems you experienced that were uniquely linked to your project. Because a thesis requires personal research, you would have experienced all sorts of hic-ups along the way which may just simply highlight areas that would require further research.
Did you achieve your objectives? Briefly explain how you did this.
It’s not necessary to re-write your entire thesis in your conclusion. Simply re-state your position showing that you have achieved what you set out to do and make sure you do this in different words than used in your main body.
If you stated in your thesis that you aimed to prove something then do so and conclude convincingly. Do not leave gaps in your evidence – resolve all questions with convincing proof. Conclude your statements without leaving your reader wondering if there’s going to be a sequel.
Your conclusion must flow in the same kind of logical order as the body texts—flowing from one conclusive statement to the other.
Try echoing the words you used in your introduction, showing that you have now gone full circle. Your reader will gain a full understanding of what you set out to prove and how you managed to do this.
Sum up the points you have made in short, convincing sentences – don’t just repeat the statements you made previously, take the opportunity to show them how it all fits together.
Don’t lose the readers interest just as you are concluding. Avoid clichés at all costs and focus on completing the picture you have been painting throughout – the final touches can make or break the entire paper.
If you have successfully convinced your reader that your statement is in fact true, you will have no objections when suggesting recommendations, predictions or even solutions. Many topics will require such a conclusion to truly highlight your understanding and achievement in resolving the question stated in the topic.
Your conclusion is the end, so don’t add new information. If you find you still have more to share on the topic, rather pull back up and add another paragraph to the body of your thesis.
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