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Thesis writing help

Winning Dissertation

Learn how to compose a strong dissertation. Chose between different formatting styles and find out the basic structure of your paper.

thesis writing guide

Powerful Research

Learn how to make a deep research, find new angles of your topic and some useful resources that will help you te make more valuable paper.

Master's thesis help

Successful Defense

Dissertation defense is one of the essential parts of your success. Learn what you should do to impress your committee members and get your degree.


How To Create Interesting Media Dissertation Topics

You have spent years in school, and are finally ready to start on your dissertation. Now it is time to find that perfect dissertation topic, what is it? This is the most important part of the dissertation. So how do you create an interesting dissertation topic? Let's break it down and look.

  1. Elements of a Dissertation Topic
  2. Making it Well Founded
  3. Crafting it to be Interesting
  • Elements of a Topic
  • For this purpose, a topic is a heading or the outline of a probable reasoning argument. That means, in turn, it holds your thoughts on an idea that has been explored to a reasonable level; that the writer can bring about a view that will cause others to question existing ideas. So a topic must contain ideas the writer has developed through their studies. It must also present information on the dissertation. And at the same time, it has to catch the prospecting reader’s attention to make them want to read it. All of this in one neat, small package.

  • Making it Well Founded
  • A good topic is also well founded. In other words, it has to state a solid purpose, and be one that can be supported with empirical evidence. Never use an idea for a theory that cannot be proven, unless there is enough evidence to support your thought. Sometimes ideas cannot be proven. But if enough valid information is shown to bring an effectual doubt on a present theory. It will still be accepted. These d types are exceedingly hard to pull off, because there has to be a lot of sound facts that lead to the theory.

    The key thing is to stick with what the student knows, and not what someone else knows. Use their knowledge to back up your theory. See what the student has learned, and what they have built up through their time studying their trade.

  • Crafting it to be Creative
  • Crafting the topic is the final part of the topic phase. There are a lot of ways to do this. It can be done by adding a humorous view to it; or any catchy wording. The thing here is to create a topic title, that will catch the eye of the potential reader.

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