What to Do if You Have No Idea Where to Find Finance Dissertation Topics
You have turned over thousands of pages and surfed through hundreds of websites, but still cannot find a topic you want to write on? You are now among the thousands of students that get stuck on the first and of the most important steps of writing a dissertation. If you have run out of possibilities of where to look for a topic and consider yourself doomed, cast the negative thoughts away. There is probable one more place you have not looked: your brain.
Why is selecting the topic yourself better than finding a ready one?
What seems to be the hard way is in most cases the better way. Of course, just taking the topic from some website seems much easier than spending hours or even days to create your own. However, in this case your effort will be rewarded.
So, why is your own topic better?
- It’s authentic and original. It is highly unlikely you will repeat someone else’s topic word in word. You can only imagine how many people have seen and used the topic you have found online. If you think about the topic yourself, you can avoid a big trouble.
- It will be interesting for you to write about. If the topic is interesting, you will want to spend more time on the research and then present the topic in the best possible way to your readers. If the topic bores you, you will never create a good dissertation.
- Searching for the topic will already be a part of research. When selecting a topic, you will need to check if you will be able to find enough material to it. You research will begin even before you have the actual topic! It will help you to have better understanding and a full view of your area.
In general, your instructor will easily see if you just took the ready topic or created one, which may give you some extra points.
Looking for a dissertation topic in finance: where to start?
First of all, you need to choose in which area you want to write. “Finance” is a very general subject, which embraces a lot of fields of study, e.g.:
- Personal Finances.
- Corporate Finances.
- Banking.
- Accounting.
- Microfinance.
- Investments etc.
If you don’t have any limits, you will first need to determine what interests you at most and what you will be able to apply in your future career and then the correct topic will be easily selected!
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